


ESDN Conference



NFFT Board Meeting



ESDN workshop, Montenegro



NFFT Board Meeting


Nagy kép

Every generation needs human resources: knowledgeable and skilful individuals in appropriate quantity and in good health. Society cannot afford to lose the skills of the disadvantaged groups. Although there is no relevant statistical data, economic value of the human capital likely exceeded that of the material capital around the turn of the millennium, rendering humans the most important resources of the nation.


BCSDH’s business breakfast

NFFT and the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH) organised a business breakfast to discuss the third monitoring report of the National Framework Strategy on Sustainable Development that is currently being compiled, at the Parliament on June 13th 2019.

At the meeting, corporate leaders presented their actions to promote sustainability in Hungary and exchanged information on the state of sustainability in Hungary.

In his opening address, Gábor Bartus, NFFT’s secretary shared NFFT’s position on the state of sustainability in Hungary and stressed that there are many issues that need to be addressed not only in the area of natural resources but also in the field of economic and social capital. This work could be supported by the guidelines of the National Framework Strategy on Sustainable Development.

On BCSDH’s behalf, Attila Chikán, president welcomed the participants and asked the corporate leaders to present their position. Based on their experience, corporate sustainability was increasingly prioritised in 2017 and 2018, the period under review, and significant progress was made at strategic level while specific actions were also taken including in areas such as energy efficiency, waste management and the shift towards the circular economy model.

The meeting discussed comprehensive issues such as obesity and nutrition as sustainability problems, the importance of environmental education and the reduction of packaging materials. The participants emphasized the importance of digitalisation, systematic approach and partnerships and identified the need for the use of a universally understandable, quantifiable “language” with sustainability arguments.


Nagy kép

Ecosystem services provided by natural resources are direct and indirect benefits for society, produced by natural and human-regulated ecosystems. Amongst the benefits are provisioning services (food, animal feed, raw material), natural cycle regulating services (climate stabilization, pollination, flood control), supporting services (nutrient cycling, soil formation), and cultural services (recreation, education, art inspiration).

well being


Nagy kép
The basis of a society’s material growth is economic resources: physical capital, financial capital as storage and transmitter of value, technological knowledge in the form of intellectual property and know-how, and built environment. Entrepreneurs become the cornerstones of sustainable development by discovering the unexploited forms of value creation and managing the utilization of the majority of human, natural and human-created physical resources.



Nagy kép
Moral norms and values, relationships and trust between individuals, as well as organizations, institutions, cultural activities and cultural heritage make up the social resources of a nation. Social capital is the result of historical development, therefore its quality is largely determined by the relation of individuals and organizations to the crucial stages of this development (national history), as well as to the intellectual and material recollections (cultural heritage).