Information Centre

In order to assist and support MPs in their legislative activities, an Information Centre was opened in the Office Building of the Hungarian National Assembly on 1st September 1991.

The Information Centre provides professional information for legislators, staff, committees and parliamentary groups.

The Information Centre is run jointly by the Directorate for Legislation and the Information Service for MPs. We offer comprehensive services for MPs and limited services for citizens.

However, you could find the most information on the activities of the National Assembly on our homepage in Hungarian. We can assist you by offering methodological suggestions on searches. We can also provide answers to your questions about the activities of Parliament.

Subjects of the service:

The Information Centre provides up-to-date information about

•        the status and history of legislative proposals;

•        proposed amendments submitted and amendments to proposed amendments;

•        interpellations, questions and answers;

•        legislative proposals, proposed resolutions, draft political declarations and reports entered in the Order Book;

•        rejected motions;

•        accepted motions;

•        sessions, sittings and sitting days of the National Assembly;

•        debates and speeches in the plenary;

•        activities of the MPs;

•        results of votes;

•        committees in the National Assembly and their members;

•        information on the activities of the National Assembly.

Information on the activities of the National Assembly

Publications on the activities of Parliament are compiled semi-annually and annually. The Centre also provides information on this information as well as statistics.

Public telephone line and E-mail service

The Information Centre established an open public telephone line service for citizens in 1997. We provide up-to-date parliamentary information for citizens directly and rapidly.

A great many people prefer e-mail to telephone calls, so the Centre has expanded its activity to provide information by e-mail.

Telephone: +(36-1) 441-6481
